31st August 2014
I had some good news today that my 65,000 word script for the Axure RP 7 video course has been accepted.
The title has changed a little as the theme of the course has developed as I worked on it. Now it will be called 'A Responsive Design Framework for Axure RP Pro 7' (a bit of a mouthful I know). The initial objective was to build a fairly vanilla responsive e-commerce site using the new Adaptive Views feature of Axure RP 7. However as I worked, whilst incorporating many collaborative features of Axure, the theme developed into more of tutorial of how to create & manage your design patterns and assets, encouraging re-use and sharing of said patterns/assets. I then decided to call the creation of a 'framework', where we create an .RP (project file) and an RPLIPB (widget library file) which can be collaborated on, and used for a range of projects. Towards the end of the course, we customise the framework to create a e-commerce book shop. In the process we create an adaptive widget library for Axure, something I hope to get submitted to the guys at Axure to share with the community.
We are hoping for a November release. In the meantime you can look at the course outline and see what goodies are in store.
Now I crack on with the recordings!
Learning Axure RP 7 video course.
![Learning Axure RP 7 by Stuart Hopper](/images/blog/axure_video_course.jpg)
My video course on Axure RP 7 was finally published on the 30th January 2015 by Packt publishing, called Learning Axure RP 7.
About a year's work yielded a 4 hour and 17 minute epic. It's great value for money! Go buy it from the Packt site today..